Gas Field Services have four (4) LF160 Drill Rigs and Freedom Loaders complimenting their fleet. This particular combination is an industry first completely hands-free rod loading solution; meaning manual handling tasks normally carried out by the drillers assistant are almost completely eliminated.
This operation is completed behind the control panel with the touch of a finger using a radio signal remote controller. The freedom Loader can cycle 6 metre rods in the same amount of time as manually cycling providing enhanced safety without compromising on productivity.

I have been delighted to work alongside of Stephen Burt of Gas Field Services, during his last 2 purchases of our Boart Longyear LF160 and FL262 Freedom Loader hands free rigs. It’s not often you witness a smaller drilling company investing in fully innovated futuristic rigs. Steve has purchased these rigs to have a competitive advantage over his opponents, as well as equipment that is reliable, and that add value to his company. The Boart Longyear LF160 Rig and FL262 Freedom Loader is well advanced from our competitors in design, safety and productivity. This rig combination also reduces the amount of personal required onsite to operate and perform the tasks required. The LF160 and Freedom Loader is now the recommended rig on all exploration sites across the world.
Boart Longyear is proud to be the world’s leader in high quality, innovated tooling and drilling rigs to keep your productivity promises.
I look forward to working with Stephen Burt of Gas Field Services well into the future.
Eliminates all manual handling
Eliminates fatigue related injuries and stress due to no manual handling as the machine completes all the heavy lifting.
Eliminates heat exhaustion as the machine does all the work allowing the drillers offsider to stand in the shade and operate the machine on 40 degrees + days.
All functions are guarded by sensors, no two opposing tasks can happen at once, therefore eliminating human error for safety critical functions.
The drill rigs rotation head is always in low gear to ensure ease to uncouple drill rigs. High gear is only available once the safety cage has been closed and the driller acknowledges that he wants high speed rotation.
The drill rig is ergonomic by the driller and offsider stand in a position where they can see each other, therefore eliminating the twisting and turning of the back and neck which is an associated injury with traditional drilling rigs.
Noise reduction; the drill rigs in operation is very quiet which avoids the need for hearing protection.
Track mounted drill rig resulting in low deck height and drillers platform.
No main winch resulting in no suspended loads or heady drill rods to contend with.
Another key safety feature of the FL262 Freedom Loader other than the almost complete elimination of manual handling are the laser proximity sensors associated with the rod loader. Their function is to detect the movement of any personnel within a set distance of the rod loader. Upon detection of someone within the “No Go Zone” all functions are isolated to the rod loader and it is unable to move until the “No Go Zone” has been cleared. This eliminates the possibility of someone being potentially injured by any of the moving parts of the rod loader. Elimination being the key response according to the hierarchy of controls in terms of controlling hazards.
Gas Field Services is proud to have the opportunity to be the first company in Australia offering with the first exploration drilling rig package on site with the ability to load 6 5/8 inch casing completely hands free without any manual labour or heavy lifting.

Gas Field Services has a fleet of 8 drilling rigs, 4 well servicing rigs for workovers and new well installations, 1 mobile custom built Borehole Grouting Unit and a fleet of vehicles including prime movers, 4 x water trucks and backhoes to meet a variety of transport requirements.